Friday, April 3, 2015


My lists of inspiring African women will not be complete without Graca Machel's name on it, it will be like soup without eba, or like bread without butter or jam, a woman whose entire life has been that of service to humanity, a loving and kind soul, mother and friend of children, a woman whose voice has drawn more attention to the needs of African women and children and the continent as a whole, a giant pillar, a woman of class and grace, loyal and reserved, epitome of African woman, Mama Africa, one in a million.

"Preventing the conflicts of tomorrow means changing the mind-set of youths today." - Graca Machel

Machel is a Humanitarian, the Chairperson of the National Organization of Children of Mozambique, an International Advocate for Women's and Children's right, former Minister of Education and Culture, Mozambique, President/ Founder, Foundation of Community Development in Mozambique, former school teacher, a mother of two and widow of former South African President Nelson Mandela (m. 1998 - 2013) and of Mozambican President Samora Machel (m. 1975 - 1986), United Nations independent expert on the impact of armed conflict on children, Founding member of The Elders and Founder, New Faces New Voices- a Pan - African advocacy group that focus on expanding the role and influence of women in the financial sector, Machel currently serves as the chair of The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH).

PMNCH, is a multi-constituency partnership hosted by the World Health Organisation which seeks to achieve universal access to comprehensive, high-quality reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health care. The role being to achieve among other roles, the United Nations Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5, to reduce child mortality and improve maternal health.

Machel is the first African woman to become a British Dame, the first woman in history to hold the title of  'First Lady' to two Presidents from different nations, in this case, two African nations (Mozambique & South Africa).

Born on October 17, 1945, in Gaza province, Mozambique, former Portuguese East Africa, she attended Methodist mission schools before gaining a scholarship to the university of Lisbon in Portugal, where she studied German and first became involved in independence issues.

In 1973, Machel returned to  Portugese East Africa and joined Mozambican Liberation Front (Frelimo) and became a school teacher.

In 1975, following Mozambique's independence, Machel was appointed Minister of Education and Culture, in the same year she married Samora Machel, the first President of Mozambique. Sadly, Samora, died in a plane crash over South Africa in 1986, a country she would later become a First Lady, following her marriage to Nelson Mandela in 1998. Mandela died in 2013 December 5, after a long sick bed involving pneumonia.

After the tragic death of her late first husband, Machel resigned her post as a Minister, after 10 years of service, following her retirement, Machel was appointed as the expert in charge of producing the ground-breaking United Nation's report on the impact of armed conflict on children.

In 1995, UN, in recognition of her longstanding humanitarian work, particularly on behalf of refugee children honoured her with Nansen Medal.

Machel is a master of languages, she speaks fluently, five languages, Portuguese, French, Spanish, English and Italian plus her native language Shangan.

Machel is a member of of the African Progress Panel (APP), a group of ten distinguished individuals who advocate at the highest levels for equitable and sustainable development in Africa. The Panel releases every year, Africa Progress Report, that outlines an issue of immediate importance to the continent and suggests a set of associated policies.

Graca has been particularly involved in The Elder's (The Elder: a group of world leaders that came together to contribute their wisdom, leadership, and integrity to tackle some of the world's toughest problems) work on child marriage, including the founding of Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage.

She also serves as the chair of the Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa (AWEPA) Eminent Advisory Board.

She has pledged to dedicate her life to pursuing the dream she shared with her late husband Nelson Mandela to build a children's hospital for patients from across Southern Africa.

Graca is indeed a woman of high-calibre, can you beat that, from a school teacher to a finance minister, to the wife of president and to the wife of another president wonderfully across border, that is the gain of faithfulness to what we are called to do.

LESSON: If you are faithful in small matters, you will be faithful in big matters. There is nothing like being true to oneself. In whatever you do, always know that someone, somewhere is watching. Who you are is who you will attract. Humility is priceless so also faithfulness.


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